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RockStep HomeTown America Fund I

Our mission is to help you generate cash flow and build generational wealth through commercial real estate investing.

Instead of swinging for the fences with every investment, we focus on acquiring properties that will produce steady cash flow through the hold period and have ample opportunities to generate significant upside.

Our Investment Philosophy

Generating real wealth in commercial real estate doesn’t happen overnight by taking outsized risks to produce lofty returns. It grows over time through conservative underwriting, thorough due diligence, buying right, and efficient management. These are the guiding principles for our team. This philosophy helps us build generational wealth for you and your family.

The Investment Strategy


We’re targeting cash-flowing shopping centers at well below replacement cost using conservative leverage with flexible rates and terms provided by local banks and lenders. Particularly for the development of enclosed mall properties, we target developing relationships with influential local investors who invest alongside the Fund to create alignment with the communities with whom we invest and partner.


The Opportunity

Over the next three to four years, an estimated $50 billion of insolvent debt will become due in the enclosed shopping mall space. This presents an unprecedented opportunity to acquire properties well below replacement cost, and sometimes at or below the value of the underlying land, with in-place annual cash flows of 15% or more. We will leverage our expertise in this sector to take advantage of these deals as they become available. 



The Fund by the Numbers

Fund Highlights


Low Minimum Investment

Investors can participate in the Fund by investing as little as $100,000 and get exposure to five to eight shopping centers.


Low Leverage

Most enclosed malls will be acquired with approximately 50% leverage and power and neighborhood centers at approximately 60% leverage.



Third-party fund admin, quarterly reporting, access to property-level financials, annual background checks on the key principals.


Alignment of Interests

Sizable co-investment by the key principal, preferred return to investors, a full return of capital before promote.


Composite State Tax Returns

Where available, we will file composite state tax returns on behalf of investors to avoid multiple state tax returns.

Investment Options

Interested investors have three options to choose from based on how much capital they commit to investing in the Fund.

The first $5M in capital committed will receive a “bump” in Member Class (e.g., $100k commitment will receive Class B instead of Class A, $1M will receive Class C instead of Class B).

Our Track Record of Success



Owned and operated retail properties


Square Feet

Built or acquired of retail since inception



Currently managed in 11 states



Market value of current portfolio



Net to investors
(14 sold / 23 current)


Equity Multiple

Net to investors
(14 sold / 23 current)

Meet Our Team

We've assembled a team of experts across all disciplines with vast experience in the retail sector. Many of the members of our company have worked for some of the largest shopping center owners and operators in the country, such as ShopCorp, a division of Blackstone, CBL, and Brookfield.

The 3 Step Plan

Generational Wealth Starts Here

Once you have read about The RockStep Way, the next step is to set up the call that could begin your journey to generational wealth. 

Talk To Us

What's in it for you?

RockStep Capital helps our investors build generational wealth by investing in the retail shopping center sector. 

This will let you generate consistent cash flow and long-term appreciation while allowing you to do the things you love.

By acquiring distressed shopping centers in "hometowns" across the US with two or more market drivers, such as a university or medical center, RockStep Capital is able to recruit desirable tenants, adjust rents to market rates and maximize every dollar you invest. 


Below is a handful of frequently asked questions our investors have about our investment strategy and track record.

How do you source your deals?

What kind of properties do you plan on acquiring in the Fund?

Where will the properties be located?

Are there currently any properties in the Fund?

How do you determine whether a deal is good or not?

Aren't shopping malls dying? Why is now the right time to buy them?

How do you add value to the properties after you acquire them?

Who will buy the properties from you once you stabilize them?

How are you able to buy these properties at such great prices?

What is the value of sourcing local investors and local lenders?

Isn't it more risky to acquire properties in secondary and tertiary markets?

Have you ever had a capital call after the initial funding?

Have you ever lost a property to foreclosure?

What is your track record of success owning and operating shopping centers?

Important Information and Disclaimers

The information contained herein is provided for informational and discussion purposes only and is not, and may not, be relied on in any manner as legal, business, financial, tax or investment advice or as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy an interest in the investment described herein (the “Investment”), or to participate in any trading strategy. A private offering of interests in the Investment will only be made pursuant to the Investment’s offering materials, including the Investment’s subscription documents (the “Offering Package”), which will be furnished to qualified investors on a confidential basis at their request for their consideration in connection with such offering. The information contained herein will be superseded by, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to, the Offering Package. To the extent that there is any inconsistency between this document and the Offering Package, the provisions of the Offering Package shall prevail. No person has been authorized to make any statement concerning the Investment other than as set forth in the Offering Package and any such statements, if made, may not be relied upon. The information contained herein must be kept strictly confidential and may not be reproduced or redistributed in any format without the approval of RockStep Capital, LLC, a Texas limited liability company and the Sponsor of the Investment (the “Sponsor”).

By accepting this document, the recipient agrees that it will, and it will cause its shareholders, partners, members, directors, officers, employees and representatives, to use the information only to evaluate its potential interest in the securities described herein and for no other purpose and will not divulge any such information to any other party except for its advisors under duties of confidentiality.

By accepting this document, each recipient agrees to return it promptly upon request. The Sponsor is the sole sponsor of the offering of interests in the Investment. The interests in the Investment are subject to restrictions on transferability contained in the Offering Package. Neither the Sponsor nor any of its affiliates makes any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein and nothing contained herein shall be relied upon as a promise or representation whether as to the past or future performance. No representations are made as to the accuracy of any targets, estimates, approximates or projections or that such targets, estimates, approximates or projections will be realized. Forward-looking statements are based upon certain assumptions and information available on the date hereof. Actual events are difficult to predict and may be beyond the Sponsor’s control. The information contained herein does not purport to contain all of the information that may be required to evaluate an investment in the Investment and any recipient of this document is encouraged to read the Offering Package and should conduct its own independent analysis of the data referred to herein prior to making an investment in the Investment.

Prior to the sale of interests in the Investment, the Sponsor will give investors the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers concerning the terms and conditions of an investment in the Investment and other relevant matters and to obtain any additional information (to the extent that the Sponsor possesses such information or can obtain it without unreasonable effort or expense) necessary to verify the accuracy of the information in this document. Each prospective investor should consult its own attorney, business adviser and tax adviser as to legal, business, tax and related matters concerning the information contained herein including the merits and risks involved with an investment in the Investment. The Investment involves a high degree of risk.

Participation in the is suitable only for sophisticated investors and requires the financial ability and willingness to accept the high risks and lack of liquidity inherent in an investment in the Investment. Investors in the Investment must be prepared to bear such risks for an indefinite period of time. No assurance can be given that the Investment’s objectives will be achieved or that investors will receive a return of their capital. There will be no public market for interests in the Investment, and interests in the Investment will be subject to strict limitations on transfer. Investors should regard their interests as illiquid, and investors should not invest in the Investment unless they are prepared to lose all or a substantial portion of their investment.

All track record and prior investment performance is subject to and qualified by the following:

  • As used herein, the term “RockStep Capital,” or “RockStep” refers to the umbrella brand of real estate investments sponsored by the Sponsor and/or its affiliates. Accepted investors will be investing in RockStep HomeTown America Fund I LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the “Fund”), and the assets of the Fund will vary from those of RockStep.
  • All references, if any, to net investment returns reflect returns on an investment-by-investment basis. There can be no assurance that unrealized investments will be realized at the valuations used to calculate the net investment returns contained herein and transaction costs connected with such realizations remain unknown and, therefore, are not factored into the calculations.
  • Unless otherwise stated, all financial information provided herein is unaudited.
  • Any reference to a targeted or projected NOI, cash flow, annual return, IRR, or multiple of invested capital contained in is merely an estimated “target” and inherently subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted or anticipated. While the targeted performance is based on assumptions that the general partner believes are reasonable, the actual returns will depend on a very broad range of factors applicable to individual investments. There are risk factors that could cause certain assumptions to prove to be incorrect, which may include, without limitation: (i) changes in government policies and government activities in the debt markets; (ii) changes in interest rates; and (iii) economic and market conditions. No assurance, representation or warranty is made by any person that any targeted returns will be achieved, and no recipient of this document should rely on such targets.
  • The summaries of various investments are intended to be a brief summary of certain key terms and does not contain all material information regarding these investments. Additional information regarding these potential investments is available upon request.
  • There can be no assurance that any potential transaction will be consummated or, if consummated, the terms on which such transaction will be consummated, until the final execution of the investment documents.
  • Past performance of investments made by persons affiliated with the Fund is not indicative of future results and there can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve results that are comparable to any prior investment described herein.